In the area of education Sagun Social Organization works to both improve access to education opportunities and improve the quality of formal education in remote areas. Education is a basic human right for all children but the most of the people in slums area of nepal are living below the poverty line and are facing many problems like lack of food, shelter, health care, education. All these will have effect on children’s well-being and education.
For many of the orphans and vulnerable children in third world countries, education is the only means for pulling them out of poverty. Yet for too many of them, obtaining an education is an elusive goal. Even though many governments provide free education through the public schools, many children, and especially orphans, cannot afford to buy the required school uniform, shoes, books and supplies so they can attend. The Education for Orphans project works to find sponsors who will provide the school fees and other expenses for children who live in some of the poorest countries in the world, giving them the opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty through their own efforts.