Making gift is a most important an essential part of financial planning. A gift in will is the only way to guarantee that you, your family, friends, association and charities get what you want them to from your property.
Please dearest supporter, If you are unable to come visit Nepal. It’s possible to let’s post anything such goods for children to Nepal as the postal system. Our postal address ans number is : 6619, Kathmandu Nepal. Which can be extremely received our organization and provide to such a children in country site of remote village. But if it’s preferable to carry the goods with you when you able to make your next travel to Nepal. Please you could bring with together and distribute yourself. So you may like to consider buying things locally if you are wanting to bring new rather than good quality second hand items. Both are appreciated to us here.
The goods are in listed :
We are really thanking you for your kindness and interest in helping the children and we look forward to welcoming you to Sagun Social Organization.
Find out More details: If you would like more information on how to leave a legacy or make a donation in memory of a loved one please contact us at: ,